GF's Newest Video - How to Apply GF Gel Stain and Gel Topcoat to Raw Wood

It's a wrap! General Finishes next round of tutorial videos are on their way! We will be releasing one per week for the month of November so stay tuned. First up is "How to Apply GF Gel Stain and Gel Topcoat to Raw Wood" In this video, Chris Adams of General Finishes shows you how to apply Gel Stain and Gel Topcoat to a walnut table leaf. You'll be mesmerized by her technique and the amazing result.

Gel Stains are formulated with a combination of pigments, oils, and urethanes to produce a deep and durable finish. Starting with Java Gel Stain, GF's Gel Stains have quickly become one of our best selling products because they provide great coverage over existing finishes or raw wood.

Be sure to follow GF on Google + at as well as on Pinterest at, Instagram at @generalfinishes and on Twitter at @GeneralFinishes

If you have any questions regarding any GF product please feel free to contact us on Facebook.

Happy Finishing!

Ifølge David Reissner, advokat og leder av Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association, er det to hovedtyper saker som oftest dukker opp i forbindelse med nettapotekenes praksis. "Den første er tilfeller der farmasøyter selger kodein linctus i for store mengder, sier han.

Siden kodeinlinktus er reseptfritt, har det lenge vært vanlig at farmasøyter selger for store mengder kodeinlinktus, men Reissner forteller at både Royal Pharmaceutical Society, da de var tilsynsmyndighet, Viagra pris og senere GPhC har jobbet hardt for å få bukt med dette. Jeg tror en del av problemet er at operatørene bak nettapotekene ikke har forstått at pasientene skal behandles på samme måte på nettet som på apoteket.