How to Update Existing Cabinets with GF Gel Stain

In this video, Tom and Sheryl Monahan of General Finishes show how to refresh existing oak cabinets with General Finishes Brown Mahogany Gel Stain.

Gel Stains are formulated with a combination of pigments, oils, and urethanes to produce a deep and durable finish. Starting with Java Gel Stain, they have quickly become one of our best selling products because they provide great coverage over existing finishes or raw wood.

TIPS ON APPLYING GEL STAIN: When applying gel stain over an existing finish and not raw wood, always seal in gel stain color with topcoat.

Dry-time to touch: 4-6 hours.

Dry-time to re-coat with stain: 24-48 hours.

Dry-time to apply oil based topcoat: 24-48 hours.

Dry-time to apply water based topcoat: 72 hours.

Dry-time for light use: 7-10 days.

Cure time: 21-30 days.

Check out our other blog post titled "What Pre- Existing Surfaces Can I Apply General Finishes Gel Stain To" for more information. 

Feel free to contact General Finishes on Facebook if you have questions regarding any of our products.

For more great project ideas and design inspiration follow us on Pinterest, on Instagram at @generalfinishes, on Twitter at @GeneralFinishes.

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