Get The Look - Copper and Tawny Pearl Effects Stippled Over Evening Plum Milk Paint

Not even King Midas could create a gold this rich and radiant! Get the look with Copper and Tawny Pearl Effects stippled over two coats of Evening Plum Milk Paint.

While working with paint as a glaze, we've found the underlying paint color plays a bigger role than you may think. The base color can enhance the look of a piece even more if that color is exposed during the texturizing process. To create this look, heavily dab on Copper Pearl straight from the can with an old round brush. Repeat the process with Tawny Pearl, allowing some of the Evening Plum to show through.

Allow the piece to dry overnight. Don't forget, always apply Pearl Effects over a wood surface that has been sealed with our water-based milk paint or topcoat, and then protect your new finish with a waterbased topcoat, such as High Performance or Flat Out Flat.

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