Distressed Paint Color Combinations: 100s of Examples

In the following faux finish examples, several layers of GF Milk Paints, GF Glaze Effects, GF Wood Stains and GF Top Coats are combined in the tradition of old world craftsmen to create unique, distressed looks in any color palette. Today's designer finishes often use up to seven different layers of color and topcoats to create spectacular finish designs. The work goes fast, as water based finishes dry much more quickly than oil based finishes. Choose from any of these designs or create your own.

All base colors are two coats. Always use a coat of topcoat between colors to prevent color blending. Finish your piece with 2 to 3 coats of water based topcoat. Visit water based finishing tips for more details.

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Milk Paint Over Milk Paint
distressed paint color combinations sage and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations basil and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations bayberry and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations buttermilk and snow white 
Snow White Over Sage GreenSnow White Over Basil GreenSnow White Over Bay Berry GreenSnow White Over Coastal BlueSnow White Over Buttermilk Yellow 
 distressed paint color combinations somerset gold and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations lamp black and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations millstone and snow white distressed paint color combinations red pepper and snow white
 Snow White Over Somerset GoldSnow White Over Lamp BlackSnow White Over Millstone Snow White Over Red Pepper
distressed paint color combinations tuscan red and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations bayberry and antique whitedistressed paint color combinations buttermilk and antique whitedistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and antique white distressed paint color combinations lamp black and antique white
Snow White Over Tuscan RedAntique White Over Bay Berry GreenAntique White Over Buttermilk YellowAntique White Over Coastal Blue Antique White Over Lamp Black
distressed paint color combinations millstone and antique whitedistressed paint color combinations outback and antique whitedistressed paint color combinations basil and linendistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and linendistressed paint color combinations federal blue and linendistressed paint color combinations lamp black and linen
Antique White Over MillstoneAntique White Over Outback BrownLinen Over Basil GreenLinen Over Coastal BlueLinen Over Federal BlueLinen Over Lamp Black
distressed paint color combinations outback and linendistressed paint color combinations brick red and linendistressed paint color combinations lamp black and linen   
Linen Over Outback BrownLinen Over Brick RedMillstone Over Lamp Black   
    distressed paint color combinations lamp black and basildistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and basil
    Basil Over Lamp BlackBasil Over Coastal Blue
distressed paint color combinations basil and antique whitedistressed paint color combinations basil and snow white    
Basil Green Over Antique WhiteBasil Green Over Snow White    
distressed paint color combinations basil and brick red   distressed paint color combinations federal blue and coastal blue 
Basil Green Over Brick Red Milk PaintCypress Green Over Autumn Haze  Coastal Blue Over Federal Blue 
 distressed paint color combinations antique white and coastal bluedistressed paint color combinations basil and coastal blue distressed paint color combinations linen and coastal bluedistressed paint color combinations somerset gold and coastal blue
 Coastal Blue Over Antique WhiteCoastal Blue Over Basil Green Coastal Blue Over LinenCoastal Blue Over Somerset Gold
distressed paint color combinations buttermilk and coastal blue  distressed paint color combinations tuscan red and coastal bluedistressed paint color combinations snow white and buttermilkdistressed paint color combinations somerset gold and buttermilk
Coastal Blue Over Buttermilk Yellow  Coastal Blue Over Tuscan RedButtermilk Yellow Over Snow WhiteButtermilk Yellow Over Somerset Gold
distressed paint color combinations snow white and somerset golddistressed paint color combinations linen and somerset golddistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and buttermilkdistressed paint color combinations lamp black and somerset gold distressed paint color combinations tuscan red and buttermilk
Somerset Gold Over Snow WhiteSomerset Gold Over LinenButtermilk Yellow Over Coastal BlueSomerset Gold Over Lamp Black Buttermilk Yellow Over Tuscan Red
distressed paint color combinations brick red and somerset golddistressed paint color combinations snow white and brick reddistressed paint color combinations antique white and tuscan reddistressed paint color combinations basil and tuscan red  
Somerset Gold Over Brick RedBrick Red Over Snow WhiteTuscan Over Antique WhiteTuscan Over Basil Green  
  distressed paint color combinations somerset gold and tuscan red distressed paint color combinations snow white and lamp blackdistressed paint color combinations antique white and lamp black
  Tuscan Over Somerset Gold Lamp Black Over Snow WhiteLamp Black Over Antique White
distressed paint color combinations linen and lamp blackdistressed paint color combinations millstone and lamp black  distressed paint color combinations buttermlik and lamp blackdistressed paint color combinations somerset gold and lamp black
Lamp Black Over LinenLamp Black Over Millstone  Lamp Black Over Buttermilk YellowLamp Black Over Somerset Gold
distressed paint color combinations brick red and lamp black     
Lamp Black Over Brick Red     
Milk Paint and Glaze Combinations
distressed paint color combinations snow white and van dyke browndistressed paint color combinations antique white and burnt umberdistressed paint color combinations millstone and van dyke browndistressed paint color combinations millstone and burnt umberdistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and millstone 
Van Dyke Brown Over Snow White GlazeBurnt Umber Glaze Over Antique WhiteVan Dyke Brown Glaze Over MillstoneMillstone Over Brick Red, Burnt Umber GlazeMillstone Over Coastal Blue, Red Sienna Glaze 
distressed paint color combinations bayberry and antique whitedistressed paint color combinations buttermlik and red sienna distressed paint color combinations tuscan red and red siennadistressed paint color combinations coastal blue and brick red 
Antique White Over Bayberry Green, Yellow Ochre GlazeButtermilk Over Antique White, Red Sienna Glaze Tuscan Red Over Lamp Black, Red Sienna GlazeCoastal Blue Over Brick Red, Burnt Umber Glaze 
distressed paint color combinations red pepper basil and burnt umber     
Basil Green Over Red Pepper, Burnt Umber Glaze     
 distressed paint color combinations blue over buttermilk and coast reddistressed paint color combinations blue over brick red and coastal bluedistressed paint color combinations blue over brick red and coastal blue ye distressed paint color combinations blue over millstone and brown
 Coastal Blue Over Buttermilk, Red Sienna GlazeCoastal Blue Over Brick Red, Yellow Ochre GlazeCoastal Blue Over Brick Red, Burnt Umber Glaze Coastal Blue Over Millstone, Van Dyke Brown Glaze
distressed paint color combinations lamp black over buttermlik and yellowdistressed paint color combinations lamp black over linene and red siennadistressed paint color combinations red sienna over lamp black   
Lamp Black Over Buttermilk, Yellow Ochre GlazeLamp Black Over Linen, Red Sienna GlazeRed Sienna Glaze Over Lamp Black   
Wood Stain, Milk Paint and Glaze Combinations
distressed paint color combinations shaker maple and winter whitedistressed paint color combinations golden oak and snow whitedistressed paint color combinations shaker maple and pitch black   
Snow White Glaze 
Over Shaker Maple
Snow White Glaze 
Over Golden Oak
Pitch Black Glaze 
Over Shaker Maple